Justification of the work done by the partners
For details, documents and external links: go to
wetropolis project pages at site wout zweers.nl
Partner: Zweers (overzicht)
Work Sep ’18-Dec ’19
- Assisted management NobisBV
- Set up and built website Wetropolis.nl and acts as webmaster, wrote several blog articles
- Built copy of Leeds Aire River foam models
- Improved Arduino electronics and code of Leeds model
- Coded Grasshopper scripts (Rhino3D plugin) to import local topographical information from AHN (Algemene hoogtekaart Nederland) and Open Street Map in Rhino (3D modelling program). Applied this in modelling topography of “Gorssel” model
- Cooperation with JanJaap Wietsma (Pre-U). Goal-01: Develop hands on model for secundary education in NLT. Product-01: lesbrief and materials for lessons NLT
- Constructed and evaluated plaster model of Gorssel: milled river model in foam, cast silicon reproduction mold, casted plaster reproductions for evaluation
- Presentation of Wetropolis (lecture) and Lego model test at Maker Fair Eindhoven 2018
Work March ’19-June ’19
- Assisted management NobisBV
- Investigated weather quicker, easier material to work with than plaster would be feasible . This resulted in Lego and polystyrene models.
- Developed, tested and evaluated Lego waterscapes at Maakfestival Twente Enschede 2019, Willemschool Hengelo , Culturele zondag Enschede , Expeditie Next Rotterdam
- Built LEGO version Galton board, compatible with existing Arduino sketch for Galton Board
- Used Dino (subsoil) information to make subsoil model and validated this model against available data of “kwelwater”
Work July ’19-Oct ’19
- Developed handcut river shape in foam with adjustable hot wire foam cutter (“Zwolle”model) (Goal-01)
- Experimented with sand in foam models to show sedimentation
- Started “Enschede” subsoil model made of polystyrene, machined with laser to give it hydraulical characteristics
- Acts as “opdrachtgever” for students of International Water Technology (Saxion): Fieldlab about prototyping hydrological cases
- Improved ways of obtaining topographical data for model making using Gis
- Made cutting maps for lasercutting, using ArcGis, Illustrator and Photoshop
- Developed lasercut models of Zwolle / IJssel
Work Nov ’19 – Dec ’19
- Developed large realistic laser cut model of Zwolle region for use with students
- Attended / jury member Scholieren Seminar at Design lab about water management
- Proceeded making models with wood (Texel)
- Mapped satellite images and watercourses on model Zwolle
- Attended GIS learning sessions
- Coaches students of International Water Management Saxion (Fieldlab) on groundwater visualisation
- Work 2020, 2021
- (serious delays in progress of the work because of Corona limitations, not much testing could be done and cooperation with partners was seriously restricted and therefor less creative or productive )
- Developed and built layered 3D model of Enschede for general public use at Kerstherberg
- Developed foam model “Stuwrug Enschede” for interactive, hands-on hydrogeological demo model. Based on AHN and DINO (algemene hoogtekaart Nederland and Digitale informatie Nederlandse ondergrond)
- Developed models of subsoil of Enschede for visualisation and understanding of groundwater flow and local water problems.
- Investigated and evaluated how to visualize groundwater aimed at outreach and education with Design Lab Utwente
- Published together with PreU two articles about groundwater and use of a physical model
With students Saxion Fieldlab:
Visualised groundwaterflow (Hele Shaw cell), visualised feasibility of groundwater use in Enschede (groundwater as grey water supply for Saxion) , developed hands on flow model of subsoil, with non homogenous conductivity over the area (EPS layered model)
Work 2022
Developed and executed workshop for teachers in Marknesse ( Waterloop bos) for evaluating and introducing water models / river making and modelling for use in secondary education.
Co-developed garden design and water use ( children hands-on workshop Zwolle) (soil properties and choice of plants, influence of heat, influence of soil on retaining of water)
Co developed water model and workshop Enschede Wooldrik ( 3D model, influence of heat, hands on influence of soil on retaining of water)
Mapped geotagged pictures with QGIS (using smartphone and standard app) to map, lasercut this map in cardboard
Built LEGO Galton board for continuous use
With students Saxion (Fieldlab):
- Workshop visualizing landscape ideas using design thinking approach in landscape and water discussion, with future applications in mind.
- Developing the resulting themes separately to physical demo models (construction of drainage pipe , water purification, sinkholes, floating cities, evaluating water retaining (spongue) capacities of various materials for use in water models)
Exhibition in Public Library Enschede ( Veranderend Landschap) about visualising landscape and waterforms for general audience. The exhibition included three workshops making a river (foamcutting workshop), a workshop / discussion about landscape and water and a lecture by watergraaf Stefan Kuks.
Partner: 100FAT (
work (Sept ’18 – Juni ’19)
- Built working prototype of the AR sandbox by UC Davis – https://arsandbox.ucdavis.edu/
- Built improved AR sandbox installation based on first hand experience / observations in the field
- Developed and built additional ‘rain-buttons’ for the AR sandbox, hidden functionality of the software is now available with physical buttons during runtime
- Experimented with object detection with Kinect 3D depth camera, in combination with sand
- Investigated conceptual ideas for interactive modelling of groundwater (digital / physical)
Future work in progress (after Oct ’19)
- 100Fat stopped working on the project but remains a partner
Partner: Saxion University of Applied Sciences
Planning Wetropolis research group Smart Cities, Saxion
The terms between brackets at the end of each task description refer to the different phases in the Design Thinking process.
- User studies: preparing format for focus groups with citizens (Empathise)
- User studies: executing first focus group with citizens (Empathise)
Future work , to be done in the coming years:
- User studies: executing several focus groups with citizens (Empathise)
- User studies: preparing format for focus groups and interviews with professionals (Empathise)
- User studies: executing focus groups and interviews with professionals (Empathise)
- User studies: analysing qualitative data from user studies (Define)
- 3D-models: developing mock-up 3D-model based on previous user studies (Ideate)
- User studies: Focus group (brainstorm) based on mock-up to come up with additional functionality/requirements (Ideate)
- User studies: reporting on user studies in the form of requirements for Wetropolis 3D-models (Define)
- 3D-models: preparing roles in data collection for citizens and companies/governmental organisations (both high-tech and low-tech ways of collecting data) (Prototype)
- 3D-models: organising and technically enabling the collection of data from citizens and companies/governmental organisations in a data platform (Prototype)
- 3D-models: visualising the data from citizens and professional citizens and companies/governmental organisations in 3D models (Prototype)
Partner: Tetem
The 1st batch of work includes (Sep ’18-March ’19)
- Research child-driven learning
- Developing an education concept
- Development of lesson 1 with the aim of activating prior knowledge
- Started with the construction of the water source books.
- Presentation and brainstorming project within Wetropolis
- Completion of lesson 1 with the aim of activating prior knowledge (product 1 completed)
- Completion with the water source books.
- Started developing the skill boosters
The 2nd batch of work includes (March ’19-June ’19)
- Recruitment pilot schools
- Completion of the lesson 2 to formulate the problem statement (product 2 completed)
- Development and completion of the research maps (product 3 completed)
- Development Lab
- Continued development of skill-booster lessons
The 3rd batch of work includes (July 19-Sep ’19)
- Planning pilot schools and pilot preparation
- Completion of lesson 4 the skill boosters (product 4 completed)
- Development and completion of lesson 6 the Rapid Prototyping (product 6 completed)
- Development and completion of lesson 7 the presentation (product 7 completed)
- Started with the development of the make cards
- Started with technical training
- Commissioning a registration film by Annebel Bunt
The 4th batch of work includes (Oct 19-Dec ’19)
- Completion of lesson 5 making cards (product 5 completed)
- Completion of technical training
- Implementation of the pilot on the Rietslenke (Nijverdal)
- Implementation of the pilot on the Reggesteyn (Nijverdal)
- Presentation of the project to key players in the field
- Adjustment of lessons 1 to 7
- Delivery of a registration film by Annabel Bunt
The 5th batch of work includes (Jan ’20-March ’20)
- Final evaluation with the pilot partners
- Final evaluation with the feedback group
- Final editing and design of lessons 1 to 7
- Placing the lessons on the teaching materials server
- Development of promotional text for the rollout
- Presentation registration film in WEEK-END
- Placing the project on the RCE website and in the RCE brochure
- Placement of the project in the W&T menu, Culture in Overijssel
- Final evaluation with the Wetropolis working group
Partner: Pre U
Pre-U is het Pre-U university programma van de Universiteit Twente. Pre-U biedt leerlingen ervaringen met onderwijsmodules die zijn gerelateerd aan UT-expertisegebieden en relevant zijn voor het vwo-curriculum. In het kader van Wetropolis ontwikkelen we voor het middelbare schoolvak Natuur, Leven & Technologie (NLT) een module ‘Ruimte voor de Rivier’ en aangrenzende modules over waterbeheer. Bij de modules rond waterbeheer steken we in op het versterken met een aanpak vanuit kaartinformatie van de eigen locatie / projectomgeving / school van de leerlingen.
Het hoofddoel van de module ontwikkeling is: leerlingen gereedschap aanreiken waarmee kaarten van het projectgebied omgezet worden in fysieke modellen, waarmee leerlingen experimenten kunnen uitvoeren om te bepalen welke invloed de voorgestelde ingrepen in dat gebied hebben. Met de uitkomsten van hun experimenten kunnen zij besluiten welke ingrepen het beoogde effect hebben en hiermee een kosten-baten analyse uitvoeren. Het projectteam waarin de leerling werkt moet beschikken over de benodigde informatie uit kaarten, databases, risico-kaarten.
- Welke (mogelijke) oplossingen zijn er op dit moment beschikbaar?
- Hoe bruikbaar zijn hulpmiddelen die er tot nu toe ontwikkeld zijn?
- Waar lopen leerlingen vast wat betreft beschikbare gegevens?
- Welke oplossingen, hulpmiddelen etc zijn bruikbaar voor gebruik in de klas?
- Wat moet aangeleverd of ontwikkeld worden door externe partijen, zodat die op school te gebruiken zijn?
- Welke opdracht uit de module Ruimte voor de Rivier, Dijk van een Dijk (havo), Deltatechnology en welk onderwerp uit het programma bij Aardrijkskunde leent zich voor het ontwikkelen van aanvullend materiaal?
- Wat zijn geschikte werkvormen voor het onderwerp waterveiligheid?
- Welke gebieden kiezen leerlingen vaak als ze een eindopdracht kiezen?
- We maken een aanvullend stuk bij de module Ruimte voor de Rivier, dat toegespitst wordt op de eigen woonomgeving.
- We kiezen de omgeving Zwolle en de omgeving Enschede als projectgebieden.
3 ontwikkelsessies, maandelijkse bijeenkomsten in december, januari en februari. Afronden voorjaarsvakantie.